Tayyaba Rasheed FRM is EVP Head of Investment Banking Group at Faysal Bank Limited. She is highly qualified with more than 17 years of diversified corporate and investment banking experience, a proven successful career in Investment Banking, Corporate Banking and Corporate Finance with profound skills in Structured Financing, Infrastructure Financing, Sukuk Issuance, Syndication, Credit Analysis, Capital Markets, Credit Risk, and Islamic Finance. She is a well known corporate and investment banker with exceptional track record of closing large ticket complex deals and is focused on delivering results across the board. She has worked in senior position at CIBG NBP and Bank Alfalah where she started her career as Management Trainee Officer.
She holds an MBA degree from IBA and FRM charter holder. She holds JAIBP to her credit from Institute of Bankers Pakistan. She underwent a thorough Islamic Finance training and successfully achieved NIBAF certification. She has also completed the Directors Training Programme and is now a certified Independent Director.